Almost every church we go to these days is either busy constructing a new building, upgrading it’s present facilities, or raising funds to do either one or the other. Is this the “new” way of being Church?
The early Church as we know it had no buildings but they appeared to be more effective than we are today. It is time for us to make a difference and prove that there is more to beautiful doctrines and constructing more buildings. In the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus instructs us to “Go” not to stay where we are and make ourselves more comfortable by renovating and upgrading our buildings. We may be a few hundred years too late, but we still can make up for lost time by waking up and finding practical ways to bring the life-giving message of Jesus to those around us.
Attending church regularly, paying tithes and listening to interesting sermons without acting on them, are all very religious in appearance, but we have to realize that all these have nothing to do with Christianity. In John 17:18, we see that not only was Jesus sent into the world to save, but He also sent us out to bring others to Him to be saved.