The Miracle of Positive Confession

The "Miracle of Positive Confession" contains Scriptures to overcome Anxiety, Fear and Guilt. It is available in two languages - English and Bahasa Indonesia. To download these PDF files, please right-click on the respective links and choose "Save link as..".

Feel free to print and distribute them.

Keajaiban Pengakuan Positif (The Miracle of Positive Confession in Bahasa Indonesia)

Healing Scriptures

Healing Scriptures have been compiled in two languages - English and Bahasa Malaysia. To download these PDF files, please right-click on the respective links and choose "Save link as..". Feel free to print and distribute them.

Ayat-ayat Penyembuhan (Healing Scriptures in Bahasa Malaysia)
A series of light & easy teachings that are printable and free for distribution